Baby bottle tooth decay is a dental issue that can do great to children’s little smiles. This problem typically occurs when a child’s teeth are frequently exposed to sugar. One the ways you could put your child at risk for this problem is by sending him or her to bed with a bottle full of milk or another drink with sugar or carbohydrates. The harmful substances from the liquid attack the teeth, build up plaque, and promote cavities.
To find out if your child is a victim of baby bottle tooth decay, our dentist, Dr. Sean Ky, encourages you to look for the following signs:
-White spots on teeth (This is a sign of the early stages of cavity development)
-Black or brown spots on the teeth
-Gums that are swollen or bleed when brushing or even eating
-Swelling, irritability and fever (These are symptoms of an infection)
-Bad breath
If your child has any of these symptoms, it’s best to call our office and schedule an appointment right away. The sooner you get the baby bottle tooth decay treated, the better. In fact, if you bring your child in for treatment at the early stages, less invasive treatment can be used to help. Some treatments that can treat baby bottle tooth decay are fluoride supplements, dental crown treatments and tooth extraction. The type of treatment the dentist recommends will depend on the severity of the cavities.
To learn more about baby bottle tooth decay in Pasadena, California, please contact our dental team at Sean T. Ky. When you dial 626-792-0448, we will be more than happy to help you, even if it’s just by answering your questions.