Have you been doing everything you can to enhance your oral health care as of late? Even if you are only doing the bare minimum of brushing and flossing daily, your teeth can still benefit greatly. However, if you wish for your teeth to be at an optimum health level for maximum benefits, it will require additional effort to maintain them, including preventative measures to eliminate oral accidents.
Don’t ever be afraid of taking more measures to protect your teeth and gums.
Listed below are some seldom-discussed yet highly effective oral health care secrets to use:
– Try using cleaning products that are dentist-approved with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.
– Avoid unhealthy drinks that are high in sugar.
– When involved in contact sports, be sure to use proper safety gear, such as a mouth guard or facemask, to protect your face.
– Avoid mouth jewelry, such as lip or tongue rings, that can damage your gums or crack and chip your teeth.
– Avoid hard candies that can chip or crack your teeth.
– Avoid various types of over-the-counter whitening products without prior approval from your dentist.
– Visit your dentist in Pasadena, California, regularly for your oral exams and professional cleanings.
Follow basic guidelines to keep your mouth safe. To schedule an exam with Dr. Sean Ky, feel free to call us at 626-792-0448 to speak with a member of our team. We want your smile to stay healthy this year, and many more beyond!